Kasha-Katuwe Tent Rock National Monument – Cochiti, New Mexico – March 2018

Kasha-Katuwe Tent Rock National Monument – Cochiti, New Mexico – March 2018

I haven't posted in awhile but just had to write about Kasha-Katuwe Tent Rock National Monument which is relatively new, opening in January of 2001.  This Park is about six miles from the campground we stayed at, Cochiti Lake Corp of Engineer CG for fourteen days.  We did a little research on Tent Rock and picked a day that we felt the weather was perfect for a good hike.  Very glad we did because even at 65 degrees it got hot as we climbed the trail.  Tent Rock gets its name from the cone-shaped tent rock formations. [gallery columns="4" link="file" ids="5840,5826,5825,5824,5823,5822,5821,5820,5819,5818,5816,5815,5814,5813,5812,5811,5810,5809,5808,5807,5806,5805,5804,5803,5802,5801,5800,5799,5798,5797,5796,5795,5792,5793,5791,5790,5789,5788"] Tent Rock is a relatively small park with only three marked trails which we decided to do two of them.  Our first hike was on Slot Canyon Trail,  a…
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The Start of Our Alaska Adventure

The Start of Our Alaska Adventure

Beautiful – what more can I say!  We’ve seen some absolutely beautiful scenery, have stayed at some gorgeous campsites (and some not so gorgeous) and taken some fabulous hikes and all in such a short period of time.  What a wonderful world! I keep getting asked why I’m not posting more on the blog.  I have a lot of excuses – we don’t have electricity and the computer needs to be plugged in, we don’t have internet service so I can’t download it, we are just too darn busy enjoying Alaska but my best excuse is that my computer decided to quit and Joe just won’t share his (best excuse ever).  We have been looking for a new computer for me but not a lot of options in the area…
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What a Wonderful World

What a Wonderful World

Theodore Roosevelt National Park is a beautiful park that isn’t talked about much.  It is a fantastic park that we love.  In 2011 we stayed in the North Unit and this go-around we stayed in the South Unit.  We waited for the buffalo to roam through our camp as they did in the North Unit but no such luck.  There was a lot of evidence as we walked around that they do go through but not this day.  We appreciated having our mini-camper since the sites were very small and the road was tight to get around.  We stayed one night and moved on to a nice Corp of Engineer Park in Fort Peck, MT.  We are hardly ever disappointed when we stay in a Corp park and this one…
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