Our children would tell anyone that we love our “girls” more than them. We would tell them it’s just a different type of love. Abby and Ivy are Bichon Frise who came into our lives in July of 1997. Our intentions at that time were to get a puppy for our youngest daughter, Amanda, who begged us for a puppy that she could take care of. She would do everything for the dog. One puppy turned into two puppies (it was such a good deal from the dog breeder) and “everything” lasted maybe a day and Abby and Ivy became mom’s dogs. They have been a great gift to us. They have helped us get out and walk, meet new people and have provided us with great companionship. They are now 14 years old and the walking is getting a little harder but they are still great travelers.
Our children are all four-legged lovers. Our oldest son, Eric, has a “house” cat that lives with the group of guys. Daughter Cassie, son-in-law Aaron and baby Cate live with rescued puppy, Izzy. Son Zach and his future wife Lauren live with rescued Great Dane Hope, three rescued Shih Tzus, Harvey, Jake, and Ali and one cat. And daughter Amanda now has two cats, Hershey and Anastasia.
I think all of them have found that “different” love.
2017 –
My kids tell me that I need to update our four legged friends. When I read what I wrote in 2011 I guess it is about time I update because so much has changed. Our Abby gave us 15 great years of companionship and passed away in 2012 while Ivy gave us an additional year and passed away in Jan. of 2013. We thought our hearts would break when Ivy died and said we won’t get another dog but in August of 2013 Lily found us. She was a two year old Bichon who was rescued from a raid on a puppy mill in North Dakota. Lily was so afraid of men that when Joe tried to pick her up she bite him. But with a lot of patience and a lot of love Lily finally came around to Joe. She has been a wonderful addition to our travels.
Our children’s four-legged friends have changed also and some of them have given us grandbabies instead of four-legged friends. Amanda no longer has cats because her husband, Ron, is allergic to furry friends but added baby Adalyn. Cassie and her family still have Izzy but added another grandchild to give Cate a brother, Alex. A few weeks ago our son Zach had to say good-bye to his Great Dane, Hope. It is always so hard to say good-bye to our four-legged friends but even harder when you have had that animal for 10 years. He still has the love of his Shih Tzus and cat.
We love all of our four-legged family members but love those grandkids so much more!