Grand Canyon of Texas

We have just stayed at one of the most beautiful state parks we have had the fortune to stay in.  Palo Duro Canyon State Park in Canyon, TX is called the Grand Canyon of Texas.  As you drive from New Mexico into Texas there is nothing.  Flat plains, no towns, no trees, but there are cows and of course that wind.  We had scheduled to stop for three nights at Palo Duro SP but never anticipated what we were in for.  As you pass through the gates and the flat countryside you start a descent of about 800 ft to the floor of the canyon.  The grade of the road is 10% which means it is very steep and there are several switchback turns that took me to watch to…
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Wind, Wind, and More Wind

It seems like all we do lately is drive in wind.  Driving from Benson, AZ to Las Cruces, NM wasn’t any different except maybe the wind was a little stronger.  When we get up in the morning the wind is pretty calm but every day it picks up by the afternoon.  One day we got a few drops of rain and then the wind.  Do I need to say more?  Our truck looked more brown than black.  The truck got washed but the 5th wheel will have to wait a little longer. We decided to stop at Las Cruces, NM to get out of the wind.  Nice RV Park that had been converted from a mobile home park to an RV park.  Each site was nicely spaced and had grass…
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