Michigan – 2017

Michigan – 2017

After Nashville we were going to meet up with Cassie and her family in WI for the 4th of July and decided to go to Michigan’s Upper Peninsula for the two weeks before the 4th.   On our way to the UP we decided to drive along Lake Michigan and stop to visit one of Joe’s fellow Toro friends who retired a few years after Joe and recently bought a summer cabin outside of Traverse City in the beautiful woods of Michigan.  Paul spent a day showing us the sites in this area of Michigan which we had not been to.  We eat lunch at Joe’s Tavern in Empire which was quaint.  We took a walk in Sleeping Bear sand dunes, checked out a lighthouse, and just enjoyed a drive through…
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Minnesota and Ohio – Summer 2017

Minnesota and Ohio – Summer 2017

Seems like we just got back to Minnesota and we are already making plans for leaving in October.  Time flies when you are having so much fun!  We are so blessed with four beautiful grandkids and have been able to spend time with each of them this summer.  With Cate and Alex because they are getting older we went to movies (I love animated movies), Chuck E Cheese (only grandpa and grandma can take them there – lucky us) and parks and more parks. We enjoyed a day at the Minnesota Zoo with Alex, Amanda and Adalyn.  Cate and her Girl Scout troop hosted a Mother’s Day brunch which grandma was invited to. It made me realize just how grown up Cate is getting.  We had sleepovers with Cate and…
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Summer 2016

Summer 2016

It is always wonderful to be back in MN for the summer so we can spend time with our kids and grandkids, friends and family.  We celebrated grandson Alex’s 3rd birthday in July and were able to go with Cassie and the kids to the Scott County Fair and have a really fun day.  In August we went to granddaughter Cate’s pre-school graduation.  Kindergarten is just around the corner for her.  Where did those years go?  We spent 5 days in Grand Marais, MN with Cassie, Aaron, Cate, Alex and Eric.  We will always call Grand Marais our favorite spot to camp.  Oct brought a baby shower for daughter Amanda, get-togethers with friends and family and of course, we had to take Cate and Alex to Chuck E Cheese, their…
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Life is Good!

Life is Good!

We have a new granddaughter – Vivian Eileen!   She was born June 1st (a few weeks early) weighing in at 6lbs 8oz and 19 inches long.  Of course she is absolutely beautiful and so tiny.  We arrived in Cincinnati on June 6th and stayed  three weeks.  We cherished every minute we could spend with Vivian, Lauren and Zach.  The kids were so tired, of course, but showing their fabulous parenting skills.  We even got to babysit one night for a few hours while they went out for a little dinner, a break they needed as do all new parents.  What a precious buddle of joy this new grandbaby brought into our lives.  It was hard to leave this little beauty.  The kids have been sending pictures and she is growing…
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